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​About the association


Background of establishment

Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls is a task that has not yet been accomplished in our time, but it is also the greatest human rights issue in our world.

[From a message from the UN Secretary-General on International Women's Day 2017]

Since its inauguration in 2016, PARAFUSE. Has consistently faced each individual with "hands," "technology," and "passion" for the independence and freedom of women, and has provided services such as "Brain Cleaning ®︎". Through the provision, we are expanding the circle across national borders.

In addition, we will foster a social activity base to reduce the suffering of more people and increase joy and affluence with our current colleagues and those who newly sympathize and act, and make broad and long-term efforts. I will continue to push forward for that purpose.

Establishing purpose

There are as many environments as there are people, and the world can be changed by one's own power and by someone else's power. PARAFUSE. Started its activities in 2016 and has been supported by many people. As of 2021, it has become a group of more than 3,600 therapists worldwide.

In addition, each therapist has created many smiles and excitement. The therapist of PARAFUSE. Is called PARAFUSER., And all of them are gathered with passion and love, and they are living a lively life with a constant smile.

PARA of PARAFUSE. Is from PARADISE (paradise), FUSE. Is from the fuse.

-Let's light the fuse that makes the world a paradise-

PARAFUSE. Is a group of therapists filled with such thoughts and wishes.

The service "Brain Wash ®︎" provided by PARAFUSER. To our customers is a service for the whole body that anyone can use with peace of mind. PARAFUSE. Has continued to study and fine-tune the unique all-hand treatment that evolves with each passing day. One of the features is that the therapist treats in a relaxed state with a gentle approach to the whole body and a polite head with a unique technique for all customers. We have an unprecedented service style that has made it possible to change more positively than expected. In addition, we will hold a school project where you can learn academics, technology, and each course in a short time so that you can make use of our special technique "Brain Cleaning ®︎" for the healing of loved ones, as well as for independence and independence. I have been doing it. It is our supreme property that many relationships and friendships have been fostered through the school. Currently, with the participation of PARAUSER., Including the original gut microbiota test service, we are actively developing products that are useful for customer service and are taking on the challenge of establishing new healthcare services centered on the brain and intestines. increase. 100 years of life. By providing "more energetic, healthy, and beautiful" to ourselves and to as many people as possible, we can change the world into a world full of lively smiles ... We will further develop the activities of PARAF USER. We have established PARAFUSE.ACADEMY ASSOCIATION based on the conviction that we have gained through our activities so far.

April 2021 General Incorporated Association


Representative Director Emiko Fujikawa


Representative Director

Emiko Fujikawa

President of Paradis International Co., Ltd.
Independent walking across major esthetic salons

2012 Established Paradis International Co., Ltd.
2016 PARAFUSE. Launched

Providing a unique method "Brain Wash ®︎" at the school so that everyone can make use of it in the future
2020 academy
2021 Established our corporate juridical person Appointed representative director

Activity policy

1. 1. The main purpose is to support the smooth and developmental activities of PARAF USER.

2. Through the business of PARAFUSE., We will actively engage in activities regardless of race or area, including support for women's independence in Japan and around the world.

3. 3. We shall conduct business research, research and development, and marketing activities related to "more energy, health, and beauty" of all people.

4. Credo and regulations specified separately shall be established and compliance with them shall be managed.

5. Based on the above, the head office group shall actively contribute to society.

​Corporate profile

​Company name

General Incorporated Association PARAFUSE.ACADEMY ASSOCIATION


​April 2021


3-16-36 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo Win Shirokanedai 7th floor

​Representative Director

Emiko Fujikawa

director  Aiko Kojima

director  Hiromi Sakamoto

director  Saki Fukushima

Auditor  Takayuki Sato


​4300 people

​Activity content

Member (PARAF USER.) Support and exchange business

School business by providing original methods

Healthcare business by providing original inspection

Social contribution business

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